
Decoding Signs from Spirit

Decoding Signs from Spirit: Electronics & Electrical Devices

When it comes to signs that come through as angel numbers, I also associate electronics and electrical devices with this category. Most times when people see angel numbers, they appear through electronics like digital clocks on a fitness watch, a laptop, a microwave, or oven, etc. For my purposes, I have combined electronic and electrical… Continue reading Decoding Signs from Spirit: Electronics & Electrical Devices

Decoding Signs from Spirit

Decoding Signs from Spirit: Angel Numbers

Angel numbers are sequences of repeating numbers that you see throughout your daily life. While the numbers are usually in sequences of three or four, the sequence can really be any length as long as one or a series of the numbers repeat. The most common place for people to see angel numbers are on… Continue reading Decoding Signs from Spirit: Angel Numbers

Decoding Signs from Spirit

Decoding Signs from Spirit

Signs from Spirit are unique to and specifically for each person. Something that registers as a sign for you will not be the same as what would catch my attention. While each sign has the potential to lead to a special message, there are categories of signs that the other side uses regularly which many… Continue reading Decoding Signs from Spirit

Beyond the Reading

Beyond the Reading: Breaking Old Patterns

I have this thing. When I am faced with a situation that makes me angry but I don't feel comfortable around the other person involved, I will simply do my best to ignore it. If this unfortunate interaction is in person, then I will suddenly go completely silent while hives appear on my neck and… Continue reading Beyond the Reading: Breaking Old Patterns

Beyond the Reading

Beyond the Reading: Lunar Phases May 2023

Today's reading encourages us to utilize the lunar cycle to our advantage by capitalizing on the themes that the different phases focus on. In May, we have a lunar eclipse happening during the Full Moon in Scorpio. Then the New Moon in Taurus two weeks later brings the start of something new. Full Moon in… Continue reading Beyond the Reading: Lunar Phases May 2023

Book Reviews

Book Review: The Empath’s Quest – Finding Your Destiny

The Empath's Quest by Bety Comerford and Steve Wilson took me on an interesting journey that I was convinced I would hate. And yet, I'm sitting here pleasantly surprised and feeling like I truly learned things from reading this book. When I first purchased this book, I somehow was under the impression that it was… Continue reading Book Review: The Empath’s Quest – Finding Your Destiny

Beyond the Reading

Beyond the Reading: Seeking Closure

In the simplest terms, closure is that feeling you get when you have finally accomplished something. It has all come to an end and you are awash with relief, contentment, or even a quiet calm. Sometimes closure can involve a need to have answers to questions that would otherwise go unanswered. Today's reading was urging… Continue reading Beyond the Reading: Seeking Closure

Beyond the Reading

Beyond the Reading: Self-Satisfaction

We all see the articles talking about which steps to take towards happiness, how to improve self-confidence, how to become satisfied with your life, how to appreciate what you have, etc. But what about self-satisfaction? Now, we don’t mean being smug or overly proud of ourselves. We are using 'self-satisfaction' to describe a justified happiness… Continue reading Beyond the Reading: Self-Satisfaction

Beyond the Reading

Beyond the Reading: Empowered & Assertive

Today's reading brought a message of self-empowerment. We are to be more confident, stronger in our convictions, willing to do what it takes to get our voice heard. We need to step into our own power, believe in ourselves, and finally break free from what is holding us back. But Warrell (2015) says it best,… Continue reading Beyond the Reading: Empowered & Assertive

Lunar Lore

Lunar Lore: Sagittarius First Quarter Moon – September 2021

The First Quarter Moon is a time to recommit ourselves to the intentions we set in motion during the New Moon. We are doubling-down and promising to take action on the things that we want to happen, the things that we are wanting to manifest. Sitting by and waiting on life isn’t going to get… Continue reading Lunar Lore: Sagittarius First Quarter Moon – September 2021